Mineralogy and Geometallurgy

The Mineralogy and Geometallurgy team specialise in providing meaningful solutions for ore characterisation, process design, diagnostic mineralogy or  process optimization. Defining key characteristics of variability samples, composites, process feeds or byproducts through statistically significant and high-quality analysis, provides a foundation of effective process mineralogy. With our in-house laboratory, instrumentation and experienced staff, we can help convert microscopic data into larger scale predictive solutions.

Jorge Oliveira
Email jorge.oliveira@xps.ca

Consulting Services

Sample Selection Support and Geometallurgical Variability Assessments

Due Diligence Reviews (Geology, mineralogy and Geometallurgical)

Data Analysis (Geology, mineralogy and Geometallurgical)

Testing and Analysis Services

Sample Preparation and Sizing

Ore Entitlement and Characterisation Studies

Process Diagnostics 

Concentrator Benchmark Surveys 

Battery Recycling Materials Characterisation

Smelter Product Characterisation

Refractory Characterisation

Dust Analysis and Source Materials (Hi-VOl Filter analysis)

Enabling Technologies and Equipment

QEMSCAN/TIMA Mineralogy (EDS)​

XRD (Powder X-Ray Diffraction)​

EPMA (WDS)-Electron probe Micro Analysis​

LA-ICPMS-Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma mass Spectrometry